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Cadillac V-Club TechTalks - Sim Racing

  • 04/04/2024
  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • ZOOM


  • Restricted to current members of the Cadillac V-Club who are interested in Sim Racing

Registration is closed

All Cadillac V-Club members are invited to join our a Zoom web conference for an online meeting with Calvin Lee, owner of Cadillac V-Club Preferred Partner GripWerx Racing.  This is your opportunity to learn more about SIM Racing and participate in an open Q&A roundtable discussion with Calvin and other experienced SIM Racers.  The agenda for this TechTalk will include:

  1. What to expect as new Sim Racers
  2. Different Sim Racing programs
  3. Sim vs Real Driving differences
  4. Sim Rigs & Configuration options

Sim racing has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years as a way for racing enthusiasts to experience the realism of competition from their own homes. Unlike traditional arcade-style racing games, Sim racing games aim to accurately simulate the physics and mechanics of real-world racing.  I-Racing and Assetto Corsa Competizione are two of the big powerhouses in Sim Racing and both provide a realistic driving experience.

These technological advanced applications (aka games) make Sim Racing an invaluable asset for any driver.  Both have their advantages/disadvantages and it really depends on your Sim Rig platform (PC, XBOX, Playstation) which is best for you.   Whether it's practicing in a racing vehicle of your choice or learning a track and the "best line", what you learn in the Sim definitely can make you a better, more prepared and capable driver before you take your next trip to a road racing venue. 

RSVP registration via CadillacVClub.com is mandatory to confirm your attendance and receive access to the ZOOM credentials necessary to participate in the meeting.  You will need to install the ZOOM app on either your mobile or desktop device in order to participate.  The video meeting will begin promptly on Thursday, April 4 at 5:00PM PDT, 7:00PM CDT and 8:00PM EDT.    

Due to ZOOM attendee limitations, this event is restricted to only members of the Cadillac V-Club and to the first 100 members who RSVP'd to attend.

If you have a family membership or are a sponsor of the V-Club, please RSVP register only once to participate via ZOOM.