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  • Charity Car Meet & Craft Market - Miami Chapter

Charity Car Meet & Craft Market - Miami Chapter

  • 03/01/2025
  • 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Fort Lauderdale


Registration is closed

Better Days Foundation is hosting a Charity Car Meet and Craft Market Concert is this Saturday at LauderAle Brewery and members of the Cadillac V-Club who are located in South Florida are invited to attend.

They are asking cars that want to be displayed be set up by 12. It's free to register via phone at, 954-594-2398 click here to register online.

This is an opportunity to participate in an Old School monthly car meet, people just hanging out and checking out cool Cars.

They will have local vendors, Live music, Food and drinks.

RSVP is optional on CadillacVClub.com but we would like to know if you plan to attend this public event. If so, the organizer will arrange space so V-Club members can park together.